Our Solutions

publicplan GmbH has long-term experience in the design, development, implementation and maintenance of complex, future-proof software projects on an open source basis. We develop solutions for shared and subsequent use not only within the framework of the German Online Access Act (OZG), but also according to the "one-for-all" principle (EfA).
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E-Government Portals

With classic information pages, public authorities make facts available to citizens quickly and at any time on any device. Theme portals or campaign pages provide advice on specific focal points. Our e-government portals based on the open source CMS Drupal help to map the services of the Online Access Act in a citizen-friendly and sustainable way.

Online Appointment Booking

With an appointment management solution, you offer citizens a simple and reliable way to book appointments at for your office online.

Form Management

Create forms easily and independently for your authority. Integrate them into existing websites and service portals. Our form management solution is based on the open source software form.io.

OZG Solutions

Rely on reuse and open source solutions as part of the German Online Access Act (OZG) to digitize your services more quickly and securely.

"Our solutions make the digitalization of public administration smart, future-proof, sustainable and uncomplicated."
– Dr. Christian Knebel, Founder & CEO

Administrative Procedures

Generic administrative procedures are an integral part of the digitalization of public administration. But, often they are not accessible to the public. In order to reduce bureaucratic hurdles, public authorities must provide citizens with simple and uncomplicated digital access to web-based allocation, funding and authorization procedures. This can be achieved with user-friendly, barrier-free software solutions. Open source software solutions such as Camunda and formsflow.ai are used for this purpose.

Communication & Chatbots

Communication & 

Make it easier for colleagues to communicate with each other and for citizens to communicate with their authority using smart solutions such as a chatbot (based on Botpress), messenger solutions (based on Rocket.Chat) and video conferencing tools.

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Low Code Solutions

Want to implement specialized processes quickly and easily without any programming knowledge? Formsflow.ai makes it possible. Our solution combines forms, workflow management and analytics in a modular way to realize processes completely digitally.

E-Government Components

Connect your digital solutions with each other to fully realize e-government. We offer customized AI solutions, search engines, indexing and other data-driven and automated solutions.

Cloud Services

We offer design, consulting and the implementation of special, customized cloud services. The technologies we use include Kubernetes, Ceph and OpenStack.

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