Conception  &


Professional and technical expertise for the design of future-proof digital administration solutions.

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Development &


Technical development and expansion of web and open source-based software solutions.

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servicing & support

Secure hosting, support for existing solutions and 3rd level support.

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Training, Editing &


Help with the use of open source-based solutions.

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Non-technical support for open source software projects in public administration.

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Support and management of major projects in e-government, implementation of production lines for the digitalization of processes.

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What we aspire

We pay particular attention to the of all solutions. Authorities and citizens should be able to navigate quickly and reach their desired goals. We use simple language and ensure that the digitalization of public administration is smart, future-proof, sustainable and uncomplicated.

We support our customers at every step of the project: from conception & consulting, development & expansion to hosting, maintenance, servicing & support. You benefit from our solutions, which are tailored to the needs and requirements of public administration and citizens.

Through close cooperation with our customers, we map complex government processes quickly, simply and digitally. In doing so, we focus on various topics that support them in implementing the German Online Access Act.

With our open source approach and one-for-all sharing and reuse, we are your partner for a future-proof, smart and digital public administration.

We digitize your administration!

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